Sunday, June 17, 2012

Birthday weekend

It was DH's 30th birthday this weekend. I mostly put fat Friday off until Saturday, as I wanted to save my cheat for the Mandarin buffet, but I felt cheated that it was Friday, and that I had to be good, so I let myself cheat and have a hot dog.

Mandarin was sooo good, and I was much better behaved than I would have been, very cognizant of the reaction the hot dog caused in stomach the night before.

So trying to behave, I started with a veggie round, worst of which was cauliflower with cheese ( I know, I'm freaking terrible!). I quickly abandoned all heathy thoughts and moved onto a thin slice of prime rib and a scoop of mashed potatoes, then a Chinese food plate, including chicken balls! It was the dessert table that put me over the top. I figure that must have been a 2000 calorie meal with at least 100g of carbs rand likely 3000+ mg of sodium. top that off with a couple of late night cupcakes and I hit a weeks worth of sugar in a night.

I felt empowered knowing what my options were, but I think the only way to enjoy a buffet is to put it all out of your mind and start fresh the next day.

My stomach days to pay attention next time, or avoid buffets!

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